Welcome to the ESO Scribing Grind Guide where you will find out the best and fastest way to unlock Grimoires and Scripts to get going with the Scribing System! You will find useful tips and a very short questline walkthrough with just the locations and solutions to the ESO Scribing quest puzzles. Read the full ESO Scribing Guide to learn everything about the Scribing System, the Luminary Wing questlines.

Table of Contents:

Summary of the ESO Scribing System

  • No separate skill line to level up.
  • The Scribing System is unlocked by completing the Luminary Wing -questlines.
  • Luminary Wing -questlines will unlock account-wide upgrades.
  • You craft skills on a Scribing Altar with a Grimoire and three different types of Scripts.
  • Grimoires and Scripts are character-specific in the ESO Scribing system.
  • You are able to deposit Scripts into your bank to give them to your other characters.
  • Luminous Ink will be consumed for each Script you add or change to your Scribed Skill. Luminous Ink is not bound and can be traded and bought from other players.
  • Scribed skills can be found in it’s respective skill line and the new Scribing tab in your skill assignment window.
  • Not all Scripts can be applied to all Grimoires. Also, not all Scripts that are compatible with a Grimoire are compatible with each other.

Useful Tips for ESO Scribing Grind

The Luminary Wing questlines themselves are not difficult or long if you prefer to spam through the dialogue and complete the quickest objectives in the questlines. As the Sigil unlocks are account wide, you should take a character that has wayshrines open in the following zones: Auridon, The Rift, Reaper’s March and Vvardenfell. You are able to use the portals next to the Scholarium Wayshrine to get into the zones, but not the quest locations inside that zone.


  • Choose a character with Wayshrines open in Auridon, The Rift, Reaper’s March and Vvardenfell.
  • Choose a character with Speed Upgrades.
  • Use the Portal Room (Wayshrine room) to travel to quest zones which are only available during the Scribing quests.
    • You can access the Wings through the Scholarium.
  • You can port to other players in quest zones via the Guild/Friend Roster or addons on PC.
    • You are able to port to players in delves.
  • Use all Scripts as they drop so you won’t get a duplicate (only if you want them on the character they drop).
  • Unlock all Wings on one character first as your alt characters are then able to earn Luminous Ink and buy/earn Scripts without.
  • If you get lost during a quest, you probably forgot to speak to your allies in the Scholarium as they mark the quest location on your map.
  • The whole questline can take anything between 2-7 hours depending on how much you listen to the story and how overpopulated the quest areas are.
  • Also check out the How ESO Scribing works with Alt Characters -guide

List of useful speed upgrades in ESO

ESO Scribing Scholarium Portal Room, Gold Road Chapter

The Wayshrine Room in The Scholarium will have portals to quest zones during the quest.

How to Unlock all Grimoires in ESO

To be able to buy all but one Grimoire, you need to complete the Second Era of Scribing Tutorial Quest and The Wing of the Indrik which unlocks the Scholarium Vendor, Chronicler Firandil. After completing Wing of the Indrik on one character, all of your alt characters only need to complete the tutorial to be able to buy the Grimoires from the Scholarium Vendor.

Requirements to unlock Grimoires

Grimoires costs 50,000 gold when you buy it for the first time, but the cost is lowered to 10,000 gold for your other characters. Exceptions are listed below.

  • Soul Burst 10,000 gold. It’s awarded to you after completing the final quest in the Scribing quest line and is discounted for all alt characters.
  • Wield Soul Can not be bought. Every character will need to complete the Scribing Tutorial quest which awards the Wield Soul skill.
Icon Grimoire Skill Line Effect Description Requirement
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Elemental Explosion Destruction Staff Channel the power in your staff to fling a bolt of volatile magic, causing an elemental explosion at the target location. Destruction Staff Apprentice (Rank 25)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Mender’s Bond Restoration Staff Tether yourself to an ally, manifesting a life link between you and them. Restoration Staff Apprentice (Rank 25)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Shield Throw One Hand and Shield Hurl your shield at an enemy, which then returns to you. One Hand and Shield Apprentice (Rank 25)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Smash Two Handed Rank Drag your weapon along the ground to smash a cone in front of you. Two-Handed Apprentice (Rank 25)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Soul Burst Soul Magic Unleash a powerful burst of soul magic around you. Complete the final quest in the Scribing quest line.
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Wield Soul Soul Magic Launch a concentrated blast of soul magic at a target. Complete the Scribing tutorial quest.
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Torchbearer Fighters Guild Conjure an imbued torch and sweep the area in front of you three times with its power. Fighters Guild Skill Apprentice (Rank 5)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Trample Assault Pierce the air with a shrill whistle, calling your mount forth to trample enemies in a line. This ability cannot be re-activated while your mount is already attacking. Alliance War Skill Apprentice (Rank 5 in Assault and Support)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Traveling Knife Dual Wield Twirl and throw an enchanted dagger at an enemy, which returns to you after a short delay and hits additional enemies in the path. Dual Wield Apprentice (Rank 25)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Ulfsild’s Contingency Mages Guild Imbue yourself with the magical runes of Ulfsild. These runes trigger when you cast an ability with a cost, causing a burst of magic around you. Mages Guild Skill Apprentice (rank 5)
ESO-Hub Skill icon
Vault Bow Fire a burst at your feet while flipping backwards 15 meters. Bow Apprentice (Rank 25)

Second Era of Scribing, Tutorial Quest

You can activate the “Second Era of Scribing” quest from the Scribing collectible in the Upgrades section of the Collections menu or you can locate Adept Irnard Rirnil in Skingrad near the Mages Guild. He will ask you to explore some kind of magical anomaly in the Sunnamere Study and find Votary Nahlia. He will then create a portal for you. Follow the quest markers and you will unlock the Grimoire: Wield Soul and three Scripts: Magic Damage, Lingering Torment and Breach.

Start Scribing Tutorial Quest ESO

Start Scribing Tutorial Quest ESO

The Wing of the Indrik Quest

  1. The Wing of the Indrik will take you to three locations in Auridon; The Lady Mundus, Buraniim Isle, Ondil (Delve) to retrieve the Key Fragments.
  2. The Indrik presents you with four challenges and asks you to choose two that feel right for you. Destroying A Dark Anchor and killing a Delve Boss are the fastest ones to complete.
    • Challenge of the Anchor
      • Destroy A Dark Anchor in Auridon
    • Challenge of Teamwork
      • Participate in a Battleground Match
    • Challenge of Strength
      • Slay 15 Undead in Auridon
    • Challenge of Cleansing
        • Defeat a Delve Boss in Auridon
  3. You must release the hunter and the fawn from their eternal chase before The Indrik lends you his strength. The quest starts from the Del’s Claim Delve in Auridon.
  4. The Indrik now rewards you with the Sigil of the Luminary Indrik which you will use to activate the Fountain of the Indrik. Votary Nahlia introduces you to the Grimoire and Script Vendor Chronicler Firandil. She then rewards you with: Bound Focus Script: Healing, Bound Signature Script: Sage’s Remedy, Bound Affix Script: Resolve, Bound Affix Script: Off Balance and 3 Luminous Ink for the ESO Scribing system.

The Wing of the Crow, Final Quest

  • Must be done last
  • Unlocks the Grimoire: Soul Burst
  1. Major story spoilers ahead! Once you’ve completed all the other Luminary Wings, the Crow will perch in front of the previously unmarked door and let you know that she is the last Luminary and will lend you her power. You will invite Votary Nahlia to this trial as Ulfsild’s Echo of the Final Trial instructs.
  2. You must complete a ritual by taking a vow of Loyalty, Charity and Mystery. You will find the answers in the Fable of the Crow and below:
    • Loyalty I vow to protect those I care about.
    • Charity I vow to be compassionate to others to the end of my days.
    • Mystery I vow to be curious about what lies ahead.
  3. In the Final Trial, You will need to navigate through the Labyrinthian. Below you can find the answers to the puzzles.
    • First room: First Light the Flame of the Indrik, then light the Flame of the Gryphon.
    • Second Room: Use focus points and keep dispelling wards while moving on the patch the Fox makes.
    • Third Room: Navigate through the maze. Dispel the ward to continue through the middle.
  4. The Crow now wants you to demonstrate your power by killing the Chimera: Aut’arioth, Inheritor’s Bane. During the fight the chimera will disappear and you will have to use focus points to dispel wards for it to come back.
  5. The Sigil of the Crow can be found in Eastmarch, along the waters edge. You will find an echo of a much older Ulfsild and found out she took years to recover from creating the Luminary.
  6. After completely restoring the altar, Votary Nahlia will reward you with Grimoire: Soul Burst, True-Sight Viewing -emote and one skill point.


How to Unlock all Scripts in ESO

Scripts can be earned through the Scribing questline, daily quest rewards or purchased from the Scholarium and Infinite Archive Vendors. There are three types of Scripts: Focus, Signature and Affix which are unlocked by doing the Luminary Wings questlines below. You must complete the tutorial first and the Wing of the Indrik second, but you can choose in which order to complete unlock The Wing of the Gryphon, The Dragon and The Netch. Scripts are technically not account wide, but you are able to buy or loot a script on one of your characters and transfer it to your other characters by depositing it in your bank.

You are able to have a character that gets a guaranteed drop on a script since the drops are curated. Collect and use all other Scripts of that category except the one you want to farm and you will always get the missing script. As an example you could use all other Affix Scripts on that character except for the Heroism Script, therefore being able to get 3 Heroism Scripts per day from the three different Affix dailies.

100% Guaranteed Script drop from the first daily coffer of each different type of daily quest and a 25% chance for a repeated daily of that type for your account. Nine guaranteed Script drops per day.

  • ESO Focus Scripts – Sigil of the Luminary Gryphon
    • Daily Delve quests
    • Daily Mages Guild quests
    • PvP Rewards for the Worthy
  • ESO Signature Scripts – Sigil of the Luminary Dragon
  • ESO Affix Scripts – Sigil of the Luminary Netch
    • World Event quests
    • Daily Imperial City quests
    • Daily Undaunted quests

No duplicate Scripts will drop until you have received all on that character. You can use the achievements to keep track of the Scripts you own: Focus Script Mastery, Affix Script Mastery, Signature Script Mastery, A Signature with Class.

Read the Daily Quest guide on ESO-HUB to locate all the Daily Quest Givers!

All players, regardless of Gold Road ownership, have a very small chance to receive Scripts via world drops, which are unbound and tradeable.​

The Wing of the Gryphon Quest

  1. The Wing of the Gryphon will take you to three locations in The Rift; Honrich Tower, Riften, Broken Helm Hollow (Delve) to retrieve the Key Fragments.
  2. The Gryphon wants you to be a bulwark against the hordes and summons a list of six safeguard tasks for you to choose three from. You can talk to your companions in the Scholarium for tips. Fastest ones to complete are Collecting Foxroot,  Slaying a Delve Boss and Pickpocketing a Corrupt Merchant.
    • Collect Aetherial Shards in Cyrodiil
      • Sarvarad Leed next to Alessia
    • Collect Foxroot in the Rift
      • East of Riften
    • Slay a Delve Boss in the Rift
    • Claim a phylactery Shard from a Lich in a Dungeon
    • Complete Thieves Guild Heists
      • Hew’s Bane, Abah’s Landing inside Thieves Den (Requires Rank 3 in Thieves Guild and completed the “Master of Heists” quest)
    • Pickpocket from a Corrupt Merchant in the Rift
  3. The Gryphon and the Fox have devised a plan to protect the Scholarium in the ESO Scribing quest and you must steal magic from Hermaeus Mora, Mehrunes Dagon and Nocturnal to create guards. You will meet with the Fox in this journey. You can choose the order in which to complete the thievery:
    • Greenshade – Hermaeus Mora
    • Auridon – Mehrunes Dagon
    • The Rift – Nocturnal
  4. The Gryphon then rewards you with the Sigil of the Luminary Gryphon which you will use to activate the Fountain of the Gryphon. Votary Nahlia rewards you with the skill style Low Slash, Burnt Orange and 3 Luminous Ink.

The Wing of the Dragon Quest

  1. The Wing of the Dragon will take you to three locations in Reaper’s March: Jode’s Light (Delve), Do’krin Monastery and and Fort Grimwatch to retrieve the Key Fragments.
  2. The Dragon wants to see if you have a mind for riddles and asks you to complete the ones that appeal the most to you. The fastest ones to complete are Riddle of the Battle, the Moon, and the Rich.
  3. After completing the riddles, The Dragon tasks you to construct a clever, devious riddle exclusive for her. She wants a riddle that is impossible, one she cannot solve but still has an answer. You do not need to think of a riddle as the game gives you the right answer and no choices.
  4. The Dragon rewards you with the Sigil of the Luminary Dragon, which you will use to activate the Fountain of the Dragon. Votary Nahlia rewards you with the skill style Trap Beast, Dawnlight Orange and 3 Luminous Ink.

The Wing of the Netch Quest

  1. The Wing of the Netch will take you to three locations in Vvardenfell: Esutanamus, Balmora and Nchuleft Depths (Delve) to retrieve the Key Fragments.
  2. The Netch spawns five keys and five doors. The correct Netch door is circled in the image below.
  3. The Netch thinks tests are weighty, not good for floating so he presents you with some games to play that take the weight off the shoulders. Fastest ones to complete are defeating a champion, recovering stolen items and catching Luminary-Blessed Fish.
    • Defeat Champion of Forgotten Wastes or Nchuleftingth
      • Any boss inside the Public Dungeons will do
    • Gather Mementos from Daedra in Imperial City 0/3
      • Loot three “Mementos of the Fallen Soldier” from daedra in Imperial City. Any daedra/xivkyn will work.
        • You can port to Imperial City via the Alliance War Menu (L key by default on PC) by right clicking an Imperial City campaign and entering. Use the ladders if you wish to go above the sewers.
    • Recover Stolen Items from Vassir-Didanat Mines 0/3
      • Loot three “Recovered Merchant Goods”. All three stolen crates can be found outside the actual mine.
    • Slay Daedra Across Vvardenfell 0/15
      • Daedric Ruins have the highest chance of daedra spawning. Any ogrim, xivkyn, scamp etc. will work. (Most Daedric Ruins marked on the image below)
    • Close Incursion Portal in West Weald
    • Catch Luminary-Blessed Fish Across Vvardenfell 0/3
  4. The Netch wants you to help a father with his regrets at a clinic in Suran.
  5. The Netch rewards you with the Sigil of the Luminary Netch which you will use to activate the Fountain of the Netch. Votary Nahlia rewards you with 3 Luminous Ink.

Mages Guild Script Chase

Mages Guild Subsidized Scripts can be found from the following base game locations after completing the Wing of the Dragon Scribing quest line. Note that the Mages Guild Subsidized Scripts will not be available until you’ve completed The Wing of the Dragon even if you have the other script types unlocked.

You are able to pick up a Mages Guild Subsidized Script and before you use it you can deposit in the bank and another one will spawn instantly. This way you can get them  for all your alts without needing to travel, but keep in mind that the Scripts don’t stack and will take a lot of space in your bank.

Mages Guild Focus Scripts Chase

Mages Guild Signature Scripts Chase

Mages Guild Affix Scripts Chase

ESO Class Mastery Script Chase

After completing Wing of the Dragon the magic of the Dragon Luminary causes mystical scraps of a potent Signature Script to begin appearing across Tamriel. You can acquire the ESO Class Mastery Signature Script by combining 50 Class Script Scraps. Full info on the ESO Scribing System Class Mastery Guide.

When playing an alt character after completing the Class Mastery Achievement, you will be able to purchase the Class Mastery Script from Chronicler Firandil.

Class Script Scraps will be found in rewards granted by

As you achieve Class Script Scraps, you’ll immediately consume them to advance the achievement. Once you have enough to complete the achievement, Class Script Scraps will no longer drop. When you consume your final Class Script Scrap, you will receive the achievement and the Class Mastery Script for the character you are currently on.

How to Grind Luminous Ink in ESO

Luminous Ink is the crafting currency introduced in the Gold Road Chapter for the Scribing System. Luminous Ink is required to complete the ESO Scribing process, sealing the magic within your chosen Grimoire and Scripts. Each Script added or changed on a Scribed Skill consumes one Luminous Ink.

Luminous Ink is not bound to your account so you are able to sell and send it to other players.

How to get Luminous Ink

Luminous Ink will not drop in the world until you have completed the necessary Luminary Wing and earned their sigil. After completing the wing on one character, all of your alt characters will be able to get Luminous Ink.

Best place to farm Luminous Ink from enemies

Any enemies that drop loot, can drop Luminous Ink as well. The best places to farm Luminous Ink will have loads of melee enemies that walk after you and you can kill them fast. Loot in ESO is shared with everyone who damages the enemies, but only drops for the best 12 dps so try to avoid crowded places like Alikir Dolmens.

You can team up with other players to loot the same enemies within your render range without personally doing damage as long as there isn’t more than 12 players around.

Best Place to farm Luminous Ink from harvesting crafting materials

Any area that spawns loads of resource nodes is also good for farming Luminous Ink. Craglorn is regarded as the best place to farm Luminous Ink due to the expensive Fortified Nirncrux and Potent Nirncrux having a chance to drop, but this also makes the zone very crowded. Be sure to slot the Plentiful Harvest Champion Point as it works for Luminous Ink as well so be sure to slot it.

The best places to farm Luminous Ink

Remember to slot the Master Gatherer and Plentiful Harvest Champion Points to get the most out of your farming!

You can find useful gear for fast Luminous Ink farming in this Speedy G build guide.

Luminous Ink Achievements

Three Luminous Ink achievements in ESO Gold Road Chapter

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