Welcome to the ESO Transmutation System Guide. The Transmute System allows you to change the trait of your weapon and armor to whatever you want, as long as you have it researched. You will need 50 Transmute Crystals to be able to change the trait of a weapon. You can not trade Transmute Crystals, so you will need to farm them for yourself. No matter what quality your weapon or armor  is, it will always cost 50 Transmutation Crystals to change the trait.

How to get Transmute Crystals?

Currently, you are guaranteed to receive Transmute Crystals from the following sources:

  • Veteran Undaunted Pledge
  • Your first completed random Normal or Veteran Dungeon through the Grouping Tool per day
  • Trial Weekly Quests
  • Leaderboards (AvA, Trials, Arenas, and Battlegrounds)
  • End of Campaign Rewards
  • Veteran Maelstrom Arena
  • Veteran Dragonstar Arena

Additionally, you also have a chance at obtaining Crystals from these sources:

  • Completing additional random Veteran dungeons through the Grouping Tool
  • Final bosses from Normal and Veteran dungeons
  • Rewards for the Worthy

Drop Rates Transmutation Crystals for ESO

For a more detailed list please visit the Transmute Crystal Drop Rate List Guide.

  • The Weekly Veteran and Normal-mode Trial Quests now give 5 Transmute Crystals upon completion.
  • Dungeon and Trial Leaderboards placement now award 5 Transmute Crystals.
  • Dragonstar Arena Veteran now award 5 Transmute Crystals.
  • Maelstrom Arena Veteran now award 4 Transmute Crystals.
  • 30-day Cyrodiil Campaign Leaderboards will now award 50 Transmute Crystals.
  • The Uncracked Transmutation Geodes awarded from Rewards for the Worthy mails will now give a minimum of 4 Transmute Crystals and can rarely grant as many as 25.

Every Final Boss from Dungeons has a chance to drop “Uncracked Transmutation Geodes”.

Transmute System

How to obtain 750 Trasmute Crystals per account

There is a very reliable way on how to get up to 750 Transmute Stones per account every 30 days. I showcase it in the video, basically you have to reach tier 1 reward in one of 30 days Cyrodiil’s Campaigns, when the campaign ends you will receive 50 Transmute Stones. You can have tops 18 Character so 18×50 results in 900. It does not matter what level your character is, just make sure you have set the Campaign as your HOME Campaign and get the 25000 Alliance Points to reach tier reward 1.

If you need help with Cyrodiil, you can read the Cyrodiil Beginner Guide to get a first look at what to expect.