Welcome to the ESO Lucent Citadel Guide. The Lucent Citadel Trial is located in the Telvanni Peninsula Zone and can be played in normal and veteran mode. I will walk you through with this guide and explain all the mechanics in detail. The Lucent Citadel Trial has XYZ bosses and each boss has its individual hardmode! The Telvanni Peninsula trial is also often referred to as LC.

Lucent Citadel – 

Lucent Citadel 12 Player Trial ESO Gold Road

Table of Contents

Loot & Rewards – ESO Lucent Citadel Guide

There are several sets and achievements that you can complete in this trial.

New Sets in Lucent Citadel

In the ESO Lucent Citadel trial you can find a perfected and an imperfected version of each set.

Rewards in Lucent Citadel


Quick Tips for Lucent Citadel

Here are a few quick tips that you can use in the ESO Lucent Citadel trial. These should help you to survive.

  • Trash Packs: They really hurt, I do recommend using ranged setups on trashpacks to avoid deaths. If you are a melee setup, make sure to use Deadly Cloak on a stamina spec or Harness Magicka as a magicka spec.
  • Stack & Burn: There are a lot of trash packs, I recommend stacking them as much as possible and kill them with AoE damage.
  • Energy Orbs & Shards: Make sure to use Energy Orb or Luminous Shards, this will ensure that your people will have better sustain.

Group Setup

Tank Tips – ESO Lucent Citadel Guide

Like always, I recommend using Ebon Armory. Ebon Armory is nice because it boosts the health of your group members, thus you can take more overall damage. Dragonknight as a main tank is a good choice because of skills like Magma Shell that enable godmode for a few seconds in tough situations and just in general they still have better resource management and are tankier then other classes.

If you are new to the trial I also recommend using a higher health setup to avoid deaths in the first tries, you can use Plague Doctor for that.

Roar of Alkosh has a lot of hitbox issue in this trial, so far it is better to play without it and replace it with another set like Claw of Yolnahkriin, Powerful Assault etc.

Both a Warden or a Necromancer Off-Tank are great choices for the group. The Warden can give you Minor Toughness via the Maturation passive to increase the groups health by 10% and the Necromancer is a beast in Ultimate regeneration due to the Necrotic Potency skill and also has Minor Protection and an extra Synergy to offer from Agony Totem.

Healer Tips – ESO Lucent Citadel Guide

As a healer also make sure to provide Energy Orb or Luminous Shards to boost the overall sustain of your group members. We found that a combination of Vestments of Olorime, Hollowfang Thirst and a Monster Set were nice for the trial. Olorime is a no brainer, as it gives your group the Major Courage buff, which means a lot of overall weapon and spell damage with an uptime of almost 100%. Sanctuary increases your overall healing, which is always nice to have.

Sentinel of Rkugamz is always a good choice to boost your groups overall sustain.

Mender’s Ward is very helpful on Lokkestiiz Hardmode for when you need to heal the frozen players back up to full health.

Stamina Damage Dealer Tips – ESO Lucent Citadel Guide

I highly recommend using a ranged damage setup with Arrow Spray for most of the trash packs. it is so easy to get oneshot here and Arrow Spray does a lot of damage and you are save from any sort of melee damage. During all the boss encounters I recommend using Deadly Cloak to mitigate a lot of the AoE damage from the bosses.

Magicka Damage Dealer Tips – ESO Lucent Citadel Guide

Make sure to have Harness Magicka throughout the whole trial, this helps bolstering incoming damage. False God’s Devotion is a very good set for all magicka setups, it gives you a huge sustain boost due to the 8% cost reduction and the extra magicka when you kill a monster.

Trash Fights in Lucent Citadel


Boss 1 X – Lucent Citadel Trial


Lucent Citadel Hardmode


Boss 2 X – Lucent Citadel Trial


Lucent Citadel Hardmode


Boss 3 X – Lucent Citadel Trial


Lucent Citadel Hardmode


Gameplay for the Lucent Citadel Trial