In this short guide, we will explain where and how to obtain the Helm of Balduran, a very powerful Legendary item in Baldur’s Gate 3.

This helmet offers unrivalled defensive bonuses in BG3, and it’s highly recommended to equip it on someone in your party, as long as there is a party member with Medium Armour Proficiency.

What is the Helm of Balduran in BG3?

The Helm of Balduran is a Legendary Helmet that requires Medium Armour Proficiency to properly use. It provides the wearer with several strong defensive features:

  • The helmet automatically heals the wearer by 2 HP at the start of every turn
  • The helmet gives a +1 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws, making you harder to hit and more likely to resist hostile effects/conditions from spells and actions.
  • Total immunity to the Stunned condition
  • Total immunity to Critical Hits – enemies will be simply unable to land a crit on the wearer of this helmet.

These buffs obviously make the helmet extremely strong and the perfect fit for a character that tends to spend their time in the heart of combat, such as a Fighter Build, Paladin Build or Cleric Build.

In the next section, we will explain how you can get your hands on the Helm of Balduran.

How to Get the Helm of Balduran in BG3

Obtaining the Helm of Balduran is a lengthy journey that make take you a couple of hours to finish. In this section we will walk you through the process, while spoiling as little as possible about the surrounding quest and story.

The first location you need to find to begin your journey to find the Helm of Balduran is Wyrm’s Rock Fortress in Act III. You then need to make your way into the western block of Wyrm’s Rock Prison.

Look out for a pair of dragon-headed torches, and activate both of them by hitting them with Lightning Damage. This will open a secret passageway – if you’re struggling to find the correct place, you can see the map location here.

Helm of Balduran Trials Location BG3

In the next area, you will need to solve four trials – Justice, Insight, Strategy and Courage. Below we will provide the solutions to each trial.

Chamber of Justice

In this trial you need to remove a dishonorable judge from office, and decide a just punishment for their crime. You can remove the judge with a spell such as Remove Curse or Banishment.

After removing the judge, you’ll be able to inspect three paintings – “The Cell”, “The Hanging” or “Freedom”. The correct answer to the trial is The Cell, so take that painting and place it on the empty niche to complete the trial.

Chamber of Insight

In this trial, you’ll need to determine which character is harming the city’s prosperity, choosing from either Stedd, Amaps or Suelto. To find information about which is the correct answer, you need to read the books that are flying around. However is it difficult to grab them due to their movement, and attacking them will just destroy the books. The easiest way is to enter turn-based mode and throw the books in order to stop their flight, and then grab them.

After reading the books, you are able to determine that Suelto is the dishonorable character, and attacking them will complete the trial.

Chamber of Strategy

In this trial, you need to finish a game of Lanceboard by felling the dark king in only two turns. If Gale is in your party, he can help you to find the correct solutions.

There are multiple possible solutions to this challenge, but the simplest one is:

  1. Move your queen to the top right corner of the board. This leaves only one possible place for the black king to move to
  2. Move your queen four squares to the left (one square to the top left of the black king). The king cannot attack your queen due to being watched by your rook, and as a result you win the game.

You get three attempts to pass the challenge. After completing it, you can move onto the final challenge.

Helm of Balduran Chess Puzzle Baldurs Gate 3

Chamber of Courage

In this challenge, one of your party members needs to carry a torch and survive attacks from elemental enemies for 4 turns.

The easiest way is to cast Sanctuary on the torch carrier, as then they cannot be attacked. Otherwise, your other party members will need to defend the torch bearer and keep them alive.

After passing all of the trials, you will encounter a dragon carcass. You can loot the Helm of Balduran from a nearby altar – see the map location here.

Helm of Balduran Location in BG3 Altar

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