• Azandar and Sharp-as-night Companions ESO

Azandar Al-Cybiades Companion Guide for ESO – Azandar Basics

2024-06-03T09:27:45+00:00By |Categories: Companions, Necrom Chapter|Tags: |

Welcome to the ESO Azandar Companion Basics Guide. Azandar Al-Cybiades is one of the Companions from High Isle that you can gain access to in ESO. Companions are built so they can fulfill any role, which means you can play Azandar Al-Cybiades as a damage dealer, healer or tank. In this guide we are going to take a look at the basics of Azandar, how to unlock her, how to level her up, skills and more.

Azandar Al-Cybiades Builds can be found on the Azandar Builds Page.

You can find a full list of all Azandar skills on the eso-hub.com Azandar Skills Page.

You can also find a Companion Basics Guide for everything related to Companions.

Table of Contents:

Unlock Azandar Companion in ESO

To unlock the Companion Azandar Al-Cybiades in ESO you will have to complete his questline (20min). Azandar can be found around the outskirts of Cipher’s Midden in Apocrypha. The quest that you have to complete to unlock Azandar is called “The Fateweaver Key“.

More Azandar Guides:

Once unlocked you can activate her in the Collections > Allies > Companions.

Companions Select ESO High Isle Chapter

Leveling Azandar in ESO

Companions level up simply by gaining experience points from killing enemies. You can grind your way to max level to unlock all the Companions features if you prefer this. The Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Undaunted are unlocked by completing a daily quest from these guilds.

To level up the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Undaunted you will have to complete dailies for the guilds repeatedly till you reach the max level.

  • For anything related to grinding I do recommend reading the Grind Guide.

How to obtain gear for Azandar in ESO

Companion gear in ESO is different from player gear, there is no overlap between them. Once you unlock a Companion like Azandar, they will start out with basic white quality non-traited equipment.

Companion equipment doesn’t have levels, can’t be enchanted, doesn’t require repairs and doesn’t include an inherent style appearance.

You can purchase basic companion gear from a Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker and Tailor merchants to customize the role of your companion accordingly.

Higher quality gear can be obtained from monster drops throughout the world, particularly from bosses. The current drop rate seems to be fairly low, therefore don’t expect to get good Companion gear within a few boss kills.

Possible traits that you can use on your ESO Companions:

Skills for Azandar in ESO

The Companion Azandar Al-Cybiades has plenty of skills to choose from, that is also one of the reasons why Azandar can play all the roles. Each of the roles/builds below will have a different allocation of skills.

It is important to note that Companions will automatically use skills and the ultimate according to how they are set on the skill bar, basically going from 1 to 5 + Ultimate.

You can find a full list of all the available skills for the Companion Azandar on ESO-Hub.com in the Companion Skills: Azandar Overview Page.

Azandar Class Skills

Weapon Skills

Equip the companion with either one of these weapons to unlock the skill line.

Armor Skills

Guild Skills

Guild skill lines are leveled up by doing guild daily quests.

Azandar Rapports

The Rapport function indicates how much a Companion likes or dislikes you. Depending on your actions in the world the Rapport can increase or decrease for Azandar Velois in ESO. Each Companion has personal preferences which you can learn about in their dialogue.

At a higher level of the Rapport, the Companion will share more personal details with you and unlock special quests. If the Rapport level is very low it may be that the Companion can not be summoned for a while.

Companions Rapport Blackwood ESO


What does Azandar like and dislike?

Please visit the Rapport Guide for more information on what Azandar Al-Cybiades likes and dislikes.

Combat Behavior for Azandar Companion

You can set different combat behaviors for your Azandar Companion. Depending on what you try to do, you can either set her as a damage dealer, healer or tank. It is also recommended to check out the setups below for the preferred setup, because you want to change the gear and skill priority depending on the role.

The Azandar Companion works best if played as a ranged role, that way you can avoid a lot of deaths for her.

Azandar Lore – Meet the Character

cited from the official ESO website regarding the Azandar Al-Cybiades Companion.

From the desk of Elydrina Nathriin, Shad Astula Academy

Cousin, I offered you support during your ill-fated bid to become a Bouyant Armiger. I held my tongue during that fiasco with the Telvanni Mage. You recall, the one with the “chin that could crack a shalk’s shell?” But I must draw the line at supporting, endorsing, or in any way condoning a collaboration with the arcanist extraordinaire, Azandar al-Cybiades.

Is Azandar a brilliant theoretician? Without a doubt. His transliminal theories are without peer. During his time studying at the Academy, he regularly impressed me with an understanding of Daedric realms that rivaled our most august scholars. One of my colleagues compared his arcanum to that of Morian Zenas, late of the Arcane University in Cyrodiil.

He’s also notable within Academy circles for rising from humble origins. Azandar’s family was of meager means, no history of magical talent to speak of. I’ve seen his invitation for tutorial scholarship, signed and sealed by Archmage Valeyn himself. Not a singular invitation, but one only offered to those of unique and unimpeachable talent.

That’s why the man is so infuriating. If he was some charlatan hedge mage with an overblown ego, he would be so much easier to dismiss. Not so. He’s a world-class talent.

A world-class talent armored in a cocksure attitude, anchored by a devotion to needlessly complex wordplay, and blinded by a complete lack of understanding that his actions have consequences. You know my own academic history with the man, and you still want to pursue a collaboration?

An anecdote, which I can substantiate through a number of letters. You recall Telenger the Artificer? Favored son of the Mages Guild, local celebrity in Auridon, world-traveling researcher. I can picture you furrowing your brow in confusion, so instead recall that debutante ball in Mournhold last year. He was that High Elf? You wanted to be smothered beneath his ‘beautiful beard’? I imagine that jogs the memory!

Telenger had for years been excavating a ruin at the center of Skywatch, an Aldmeri construct that was heavy with planar magics and mystic potential. Understandably concerned about unleashing something that might impact the city, he took a careful and measured approach. Requiring a consultant familiar with some of the deep-theory aetheric constructs within the ruin, Telenger invited Azandar to join his team investigating the site.

Two weeks later, Telenger returned to the dig site to find the gates to other planes sealed, most of the magicka wells capped, and Azandar moving some of his belongings onto the premises. I’m unsure of what specifically passed between them, but a friend of mine overheard Azandar proclaiming that the portals had been “pedestrian pablum only interesting to children” and that he was doing the archmage a favor by closing the enigmatum that had existed there (presumably) since the days of the Aldmeri.

The long and short of this is: Azandar al-Cybiades cannot be trusted. He is too self-assured of his own brilliance and too charismatic by half. And while his cooking is divine, he cannot take criticism in either magical or culinary circumstances. Please, cousin, stay well removed. And do remember to write your mother. She worries about you.

Best wishes,

Your cousin Elydrina

Azandar and Sharp-as-night Companions ESO

Related Companion Content

FAQ Companions

Frequently asked question about the Companion System in ESO.

Where can I unlock the Isobel Companion in ESO?2022-05-02T11:11:19+00:00

To unlock the Companion Isobel Velois in ESO you will have to complete her questline. The Companion Isobel Veloise can be found at Castle Navire on the southwest coast of High Isle. The quest that you have to complete to unlock Isoble is called “Tournament of the Heart”.

Where can I unlock the Ember Companion in ESO?2022-05-02T11:10:55+00:00

To unlock the Companion Ember The Khajiit in ESO you will have to complete her questline. Ember can be found in at Draioch just north of Gonfalon Bay, the main city of High Isle. The quest that you have to complete to unlock Ember is called “Tower full of Trouble”.

How to level up Companions in ESO2021-10-03T08:41:10+00:00

Companions level up simply by gaining experience points from killing enemies. You can grind your way to max level to unlock all the Companions features if you prefer this. The Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Undaunted are unlocked by simply completing a daily from these Guilds. To level up the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Undaunted you will have to complete dailies for the guilds repeatedly till you reach the max level.

  • For anything related to grinding I do recommend reading the Grind Guide.
How to customize Companions in ESO?2021-05-15T11:07:42+00:00

In the Companion Menu on the top right side you want to visit the Collectibles section where you can assign costumes from the Appearance tab or mounts in the Mount tab.

  • Any appearance or mount that you unlocked on your own characters can be utilized for the Companion.
  • you can also change the outfit of a Companion at the Outfit Station.

Companion mounts and appearance Blackwood ESO

Here you can see an example of both the Player and the Companion being on a mount in Blackwood.

Player and Companion mounted Blackwood ESO

How does the Rapport system for Companions work?2021-05-15T11:06:26+00:00

The rapport describes what kind of relationship you have with a companion. Every companion has personal preferences which will affect how they feel about the player over time, based on their actions. Acting against a companion’s ideals will cause their rapport with the companion to decrease. Taking actions they favor will drive the player’s rapport with that companion up.

While this has no effect on their skills or their abilities, it will have an effect on their gameplay. At least when it comes to extremely disliking the player. If a companion hates the player, they might not be able to stand them much longer and will unsummon themselves for a while.
In order to build rapport with a companion, performing average actions is a must — either by questing, leveling or other in-game actions like stealing. This can go both ways, so the player should be aware of what they like and what they dislike.
The more a companion likes the player, the more personal quests become available to the player after having completed the initial quest.
Can Companions PVP in ESO?2021-05-15T11:05:31+00:00

Companions won’t be able to be summoned in PvP instances, in single player arenas or in housing instances. Also, in instances where you can’t navigate to your character and talk to them, they will be briefly invisible, such as while swimming.

Where can I find Companion Gear in ESO?2021-05-15T11:03:54+00:00

Companion gear in ESO is different from player gear, there is no overlap between them. Once you unlock a Companion, they will start out with basic white quality non-traited equipment.

Companion equipment doesn’t have levels, can’t be enchanted, doesn’t require repairs and doesn’t include an inherent style appearance.

You can purchase basic companion gear from a Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker and Tailor merchants to customize the role of your companion accordingly.

Higher quality gear can be obtained from monster drops throughout the world, particularly from bosses.

What is the Companion System in ESO?2021-05-15T11:00:47+00:00

The Companion System in ESO is a new feature of the game that launched with the Blackwood Chapter. This allows you to summon a Companion (basically like a 2nd character) that will follow you around. The Companion can help fight, be it as a damage dealer, healer or tank. Currently there are two Companions, Mirri Elendis a Dark Elf and Bastian Hallix an Imperial.

You can find more info about the Companion System in the Companion System Guide.

Bastian Hallix Guides:

Mirri Elendis Guides:

Where can I unlock the Bastian Hallix Companion in ESO?2021-05-15T10:55:39+00:00

If you have access to the Blackwood Chapter, you can unlock Bastian Hallix through completing the associated quest in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level up progress is account wide, so you only have to level Bastian up once.
  • You have to unlock Bastian Hallix on each character through the started quest.

Bastian can be found in the Deepscorn Hollow objective along the southwest coast of Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called “Competition and Contracts”.

Where can I unlock the Mirri Elendis Companion in ESO2021-05-15T10:54:51+00:00

If you have access to the Blackwood Chapter, you can unlock Mirri Elendis through completing the associated quest in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level up progress is account wide, so you only have to level Mirri up once.
  • You have to unlock Mirri Elendis on each character through the started quest.

Mirri can be found in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in north Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called “Shattered and Scattered”.

Where can I unlock the Companions in ESO?2021-05-15T10:53:07+00:00

If you have access to the Blackwood Chapter, you can unlock two companions through completing associated quests in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level up progress is account wide.
  • You have to unlock the Companions on each character.

Bastian Companion Location

Bastian can be found in the Deepscorn Hollow objective along the southwest coast of Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called “Competition and Contracts”.

Mirri Companion Location

Mirri can be found in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in north Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called “Shattered and Scattered”.

About the Author:

Alcast is a long-time gamer and specializes in build creation for certain games, especially MMOs. Alcast is most well known for his ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online) content. He has built popular brands like Alcasthq.com, ESO-Hub.com and Gameslantern.com. Favorite game IPs: Halo, XCOM, Total War, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls and Warhammer.
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