Welcome, this is a quick guide on how to get the Calcine Disruptor in Halo Infinite. The Calcine Disruptor is the upgraded version of the Disruptor weapon. You obtain the upgraded version after defeating the high value target boss “Bipbap” close to the Excavation site on the map.

The Calcine Disruptor uses Shock ammunition. The weapon deals increased damage and also has splash aoe damage.

Calcine Disruptor Halo Infinite

Where is the boss location to get the Calcine Disruptor in Halo Infinite?

You can find the location to kill Bipbap to get the Calcine Disruptor close to the Excavation site. The location is above the Excavation site, the location of the high value target boss is marked with a red circle on the map.

Bipbap location halo infinite


Bipbap is the high value target boss (Nr 4 on the target list) that you need to kill to obtain the upgraded version of the Disruptor. Bipbap isn’t that dangerous (unless you drive a vehicle), but be careful of all the other enemies that are close to him.

The mercenary Bipbap is among the most dangerous Unggoys known to the UNSC. Once a bodyguard for high-ranking Covenant officials, Bipbap earned his reputation for ruthlessness in service of the chieftain Tartarus, slaying scores of his own people for siding with the Elites in the Great War. Following the collapse of the Covenant, Bipbap returned to his homeworld of Balaho to refashion himself as an assassin for hire, and was so successful that he was granted the title of “Vanquisher” by his clan.

Bipbap is notorious for numerous acts of widespread destruction on the colony of Venezia, where his relentless and ruthless pursuit of his targets – and the collateral damage caused along the way – resulted in over 830 human casualties.

Bipap boss calcine disruptor gun halo infinite

Where can I equip the Calcine Disruptor?

After you have killed the target and its minions, you will be able to get the Calcine Disruptor at any FOB. Go to one of the four weapon caches and rotate to the left to select the Calcine Disruptor. Marines can also use the weapon.

Calcine Disruptor selection at FOB halo infinite

Calcine Disruptor selection at FOB halo infinite showcase

Please visit the Halo Infinite Category for more guides on the Special Weapons.