In this guide we are going to explain how to beat the Rancor in Jedi Survivor.

When you reach the planet of Koboh in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, you’ll probably encounter the Rancor pretty soon after.

This is a legendary enemy that will give you by far the toughest fight in the game so far.

The Rancor is dangerous because it has fast attacks that deal very high damage if they hit you – and he also has a grab attack where he eats you – there’s nothing you can do if you let yourself get grabbed.

Below we’ll explain where you can find the Rancor and how to beat it.

Where to Find the Rancor in Jedi Survivor

The Rancor is on the planet of Koboh, in a cave called Sodden Grotto. Sodden Grotto can be found by turning left just before you reach the town where you need to meet up with Greez – the correct area of the map is called Hunter’s Quarry.

Make your way down through the cave, and you’ll find some large skeletons when you’re in the right area. There’s a meditation point next to the final room – it’s a good idea to save your game here so you don’t have to run a long way to get back to the fight if you fail it.

Drop down into the final room and the Rancor fight will begin.

Jedi Survivor Rancor Location

How to Beat the Rancor in Jedi Survivor

At first the Rancor boss fight can seem almost unfair. This is because it’s a considerable difficulty spike compared to anything you’ve done up to this point.

However there are some things you can do to make the fight easier, and below we’ll share our tips.

Learn the Rancor’s Attacks

It might take a few tries to begin learning the animations that the Rancor does before each attack, but doing this will help you to react approproately during the fight. The most important things to look out for are:

  • Lunge and Grab: The Rancor will glow red for a moment before lunging forward and grabbing. If you don’t dodge this you will be eaten, with no way of breaking free, thus ending the fight for you.
  • Ground Slam: The Rancor will glow red, raise both arms in the air and then slam the ground. This sends a wave of earth at you in a line, dealing high damage if you’re hit. You can dodge to the side to avoid this.
  • Ground Stomp: The Rancor will stomp the ground, sending out an AOE shockwave that deals heavy damage. This is normally followed up by a second stomp, so be careful of rushing in to attack too soon.

There are some other attacks that the Rancor can do, but if you follow our strategy below then he will almost never do them, so you mainly have to watch out for the three mentioned above.

Rancor Lunge Attack

Rancor Lunge Attack

Dodge Everything

While the Rancor does have a couple of swipe attacks that can technically be blocked, doing so consumes so much of your stamina that you run a serious risk of being stunned anyway.

It’s therefore best to begin familiarising yourself with the Rancor’s attacks and dodging all of them. Like all enemies in the game, the Rancor will briefly glow red just before it performs an attack that can’t be blocked.

Rancor Slam Attack

Rancor Slam Attack

Keep a Good Distance

The most important thing to do when fighting the Rancor is to keep a good distance at all times during the fight. This gives you time to react and avoid the attacks. Many of the Rancor’s attacks will hit a large area in front of or around him, which is why we need this extra space.

While the Rancor’s actual attacks are pretty fast, in general he lumbers around quite slowly and takes a few seconds to recover after attacking you. That gives you time to close up to melee range after dodging an attack, get in two or three hits and then get some distance again. Be careful not to linger in melee range too long, as things can go very wrong very quickly if you do that.

Be Patient

It takes a little while to finish the boss fight with the strategy explained above, but it’s definitely worth doing it this way.

If you try to rush then you are most likely just going to find yourself getting caught by the Rancor’s attacks and quickly stomped, swiped or eaten to death.

Rancor Stomp Attack

Rancor Stomp Attack

Have a Good Framerate

If your game is running at a low frame rate, then it’s going to make this fight quite a bit harder because you’ll have less time to react. It’s really important to dodge quickly to make sure you avoid the Rancor’s attacks, and having a low framerate makes this a lot harder.

So if your game is visibly choppy or stuttering a lot, then it’s probably a good idea to turn down the graphics or reduce the resolution. If you have Raytracing on, then turning it off is generally the best way to improve your performance.

Now you have some extra tips for how to beat the Rancor in Jedi Survivor. We hope you found the guide helpful.