Welcome to our The First Descendant Characters Tier List. I am going to show you my tier list for all characters. I played all of the characters to get a good understanding of how they play. Make sure to check out our The First Descendant Builds Database.

I haven’t included Yujin, Enzo, Esiemo and Luna yet because I haven’t played them. They weren’t available during the betas but are confirmed to be released soon.

The First Descendant Character Tier List

All The First Descendant Characters do well in PvE Content. However, if we had to rank them it would look something like this. There are a few great S and A Tier characters followed by a few in B and C Tier. But none of the characters goes into D Tier and below. If you are a good player you can make any character work flawlessly. But of course, if you want to min-max then better go with a S or A Tier character.

Note: Some characters require specific modules that increase their power level tremendously. That means a character can feel weak at the beginning but once you get the juicy modules things will change drastically.

Tier List The First Descendant Character
S Tier Bunny, Gley, Valby, Jayber
A Tier LepicKyle, Freyna
B Tier AjaxBlair
C Tier Sharen, Viessa
D Tier None

The First Descendat Tier List Best Characters

If I had to rank the First Descendant Characters individually it would look like this:

List Position Character Ranking
1 Gley S+
2 Bunny S+
3 Valby S
4 Jayber S-
5 Lepic A+
6 Kyle A
7 Freyna A
8 Ajax B+
9 Blair B
10 Viessa C+
11 Sharen C

S-Tier Characters – The First Descendant

First we are going to take a look at all the S-Tier Descendants in our The First Descendant Tier List.

Gley Character

The First Descendant Gley is one of the most popular Descendants. She literally melts bosses with her kit. Not only can she deal massive damage with the Frenzied skill, but she is also tanky because she can increase her DEF with the correct modules. Additionally, lowering her HP increases her damage output tremendously if equipped with suitable modules. Her third ability Increased Sensory gives her infinite ammo for a short duration. This is important because heavy ammo is scarce in The First Descendant.

For a complete overview of Gley make sure to check out our The First Descendant Gley Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Gley is risky to play because her damage increases massively with less health. Therefore, not getting hit by enemy attacks is crucial.

  • Maximum Single Target DPS
  • High Area of Effect DPS
  • Frenzy Mode
  • Infinite Ammo
  • Squishy because lowHP

The First Descendant Gley S Tier Character

Bunny Character

The First Descendant Bunny is a S-Tier character. She is one of the best, if not the best, trash-clear Descendant in the game. She is lightning-fast thanks to her Speed of Light skill and her electricity AoE damage is insane thanks to the Lightning Emission skill. Overall, she feels the best to play because her trash clear methods are fun to play and she can also pull off great boss DPS with her mega laser beam ultimate skill called Maximum Power. Bunny also has some great modules to modify her skills with to give her even more variety.

For a complete overview of Bunny make sure to check out our The First Descendant Bunny Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Bunny is a fast paces character with high DPS for both trash fights and boss DPS.

  • High Single Target DPS
  • Maximum Area of Effect DPS
  • Very Fast Movement
  • low DEF

The First Descendant Bunny S Tier Character

Valby Character

The First Descendant Valby is one of the best defensive Descendants in the game. She has zero downtime on her skills. Valby’s the queen of pre-stacking damage before the enemies even spawn (Bubble Bullet, Plop Plop, Clean Up). That means you can defeat enemies before they even can adequately spawn. She doesn’t have the highest boss DPS but it is still great with the right modules and weapons. Valby synergizes perfectly together with Bunny because Valby’s debuff “Laundry” increases damage taken from electricity damage.

For a complete overview of Valby make sure to check out our The First Descendant Valby Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Valby shines the most in more challenging dungeons because she has excellent defense capabilities and, therefore, doesn’t die on the first hit she takes. And because she can pre-stack damage before enemies even spawn makes her dangerous, and you can easily take out harder enemies before they even can attack.

  • High Area of Effect DPS
  • Good Single Target DPS
  • High DEF
  • Pre-stack damage
  • Easy spawn killing monsters

The First Descendant Valby S Tier Character

Jayber Character

The First Descendant Jayber brings a lot to the table. He has two turrets, a Medical Turrent, and an Assault Turret. The healing turret can aggro bosses and because healing is super limited in this game the heals help a lot. The turrets also deal good damage because they ignore the enemy’s armor. He isn’t the best boss damage or trash fight character but his kit as a whole puts him in S-Tier because he got everything you need to do both type of content successfully.

For a complete overview of Jayber make sure to check out our The First Descendant Jayber Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, other players will love you when you join their team with Jayber because he is such a great supporter and DPS character.

  • Great Healing Capabilities
  • Good Single Target DPS
  • Good Area of Effect DPS
  • Turrets take aggro
  • Good DEF

The First Descendant Jayber S Tier Character

A-Tier Characters – The First Descendant

Next we are going to take a look at all the A-Tier Descendants in our The First Descendant Tier List.

Lepic Character

The First Descendant Lepic is a very offensive character. With the right modules you can increase his weapon damage tremendously. His second skill Overclock normally increases skill damage. But with the module Powerunit Change it allows you to increase your Firearm ATK by a lot. Overall, this just boosts his damage significantly for both boss fights and trash monsters alongside his skills that also deal great damage.

For a complete overview of Lepic make sure to check out our The First Descendant Lepic Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Lepic is a good A-Tier character with the right modules equipped to boost his Firearm ATK damage.

  • High Single Target DPS
  • High Area of Effect DPS
  • Skills are okay but not excellent
  • Focus on Firearm damage

The First Descendant Lepic A Tier Character

Kyle Character

The First Descendant Kyle is often dismissed as a tank-only character. However, he can deal great damage in boss fights and trash mob fights. Kyle is incredibly tanky and won’t die easily. Kyle can face tank bosses easily and he will also aggro most monsters. That way your team can focus on dealing massive damage without the fear of getting focused by bosses or trash monsters. For example, Kyle can tank bosses while your low HP Gley teammates deal massive damage. Kyle’s Superconductivity Thrusters ultimate skill is one of the hardest-hitting skills in the game.

For a complete overview of Kyle make sure to check out our The First Descendant Kyle Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Kyle is one of the tankiest characters in the game and can also deal massive damage. He is best combined with squishy high-damage characters such as Gley or Bunny.

  • Amazing Tank
  • Can soak up damage
  • Facetank bosses
  • Good Area of Effect DPS
  • Good Single Target DPS

The First Descendant Kyle A Tier Character

Freyna Character

The First Descendant Freyna is the poison queen. She is all focused on poison damage. Freyna has good defense and high survivability thanks to her Defense Mechanism skill. Her poison skills can deal massive AoE damage, and her poison can also stack, which results in increased damage with Venom Trauma and Putrid Venom skills. This also allows her to debuff bosses which benefits your whole team. Her ultimate Venom Baptism also guarantees her debuff on everything she hits while the skill is active.

For a complete overview of Freyna make sure to check out our The First Descendant Freyna Build & Best Loadout.

To summarize, Freyna has a good overall kit and can deal good AoE and Single-Target damage. She is also fun to play, and her poison damage is unique.

  • High Single Target DPS
  • High Area of Effect DPS
  • Good DEF
  • Can Debuff enemies for group DPS

The First Descendant Freyna A Tier Character

B-Tier Characters – The First Descendant

Next up we are going to take a look at all the B-Tier Descendants in our The First Descendant Tier List.

Ajax Character

The First Descendant Ajax is a good character but relies on the correct modules. The Void Charge module modifies Void Walk and Expulsion skills damage to increase proportionally to DEF. Overall he is very tank and with the correct team matchup you can make him more valuable. If he takes most of the damage your other more squishy team mates can fully focus on dishing out as much damage as possible.

For a complete overview of Ajax make sure to check out our The First Descendant Ajax Build & Best Loadout.

Overall, Ajax is a great utlity character with the correct team setup but he lacks damage on his own.

  • Good Tank
  • Can take aggro
  • Good Area of Effect DPS
  • Good Single Target DPS

The First Descendant Ajax B Tier Character

Blair Character

The First Descendant Blair has great trash monster damage but lacks a bit in terms of boss DPS. Most of his skills (Blaze Up, Extinguish, Burn Taste, Deadly Cuisine) are focused on dealing AoE damage. However, the damage output of some other characters is simply better. Blair is just stuck in between doing well but not amazing and other Descendants just overall have a better kit.

For a complete overview of Blair make sure to check out our The First Descendant Blair Build & Best Loadout.

  • High Area of Effect DPS
  • Good Single Target DPS
  • Low HP

The First Descendant Blair B Tier Character

C-Tier Characters – The First Descendant

Lastly, we are going to take a look at all the C-Tier Descendants in our The First Descendant Tier List.

Sharen Character

The First Descendant Sharen is a good character but she also has a mixed kit. Her Ultimate Flash Shortsword throws swords at enemies and is good against several enemies but not against a lot of enemies because the sword count is limited to approximately 10 enemies. She can pull off insane boss damage with her Active Camouflage skill. But it needs a lot of preparation and the right modules alongside a good sniper rifle. And you only got 1 shot and have to make it count. So, while it can deal massive damage, it is just super hard to set up and execute. You can find a full explanation of the one-shot Sharen Combo here.

For a complete overview of Sharen make sure to check out our The First Descendant Sharen Build & Best Loadout.

Ultimately Sharen is placed in the C-Tier because while she can deal massive single target damage it requires a lot of set up time and if you miss the shot all the power is gone because the modules and skill recharge time are high. And her trash fight damage is also not as high as other Descendants.

  • Best One Shot Killer in the game (But long cooldown)
  • High Single Target DPS
  • Low Area of Effect Damage
  • low DEF

The First Descendant Sharen C Tier Character

Viessa Character

The First Descendant Viessa is a solid character. She has good crowd control skills. Viessa can also turn her Ice Shackle (slowdebuff into Ice Needle with the Hypothermy module (Transcendant Quality). That means instead of slowing down enemies they will now take extra damage over time. Ice Shackle/Ice Needle automatically applies to the enemy with most of Viessa’s skills as a debuff. Her Blizzard skill allows her to debuff the enemy’s defense by 20%, which is great against bosses with high resistance.

For a complete overview of Viessa make sure to check out our The First Descendant Viessa Build & Best Loadout.

The reason I placed the Viessa Descendant in C Tier is simply because a lot of other Characters are better at AOE (area of effect) and single target damage. Her kit is okay, but right now it just isn’t as effective as other Descendant Characters.

  • Good Area of Effect DPS
  • Good Single Target DPS
  • Can slow enemies
  • Can debuff enemies
  • Low DEF

The First Descendant C Tier Character

Please keep in mind that The First Descendant is still a new game and balance patches will change the First Descendant Tier List. We will keep updating it for new patches.

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