Today, we are going to look at how to farm Throne and Liberty Lucent. Throne and Liberty has plenty of currencies in the game and sometimes it can be a bit confusing how to get some. The two main currencies in Throne and Liberty are Sollant and Lucent. To put it simply, Sollant is in-game gold and Lucent is the real money alternative used in the Auction House.

What is Throne and Liberty Lucent?

Lucent is an ingame currency in Throne and Liberty. Sollant is another currency that exists in the game. Sollant is easily obtainable by defeating monsters or completing quests. Lucent on the other hand can only be created by paying real money in Throne and Liberty. However, there are other ways of getting your hands on Lucent than just swiping.

THrone and LIberty Lucent Farming

How to earn Lucent in Throne and Liberty

To earn Lucent you need to interact with the Marketplace/Auction House of Throne and Liberty. Instead of paying real money for Lucent, you can trade items that you earned ingame in the Auction House against Lucent. Here are a few good methods to make Lucent in Throne and Liberty:

Dynamic Event Farming

Dynamic Events last for 20 minutes in Throne and Liberty. The higher you rank, the more rewards and higher tier items you can get. Therefore it is important that you select events where you have a chance to rank high. Marind is a Jewel Material that drops as reward and is often needed to craft items. You can use the Throne and Liberty Event Calendar to figure out when the next events happen.

  • Figure out which events allow you to place the highest for your weapon combinations.
  • Go to said Events and rank high.
  • Sell Marinds on Marketplace for Lucent.

Dungeon Trait Selling

You can do three dungeons per day per character and they often last between 10-30 minutes. That means you can do this on your main character and your two alt characters to maximize the Lucent gains in Throne and Liberty. Whenever items drop you can sell the traits in the Auction House/ Market Place.

  • Complete Dungeon on your Main + Alts
  • Whenever items drop, sell the traits on the Auction House

Guild Lithograph Trait Selling

To do this method to farm Throne and Liberty Lucent you need to have Alt characters at max level and be part of a guild. Now in the Guild menu you can donate materials to obtain guild coin. Do Contracts on Alts to get crafting materials. You can spend the Guild coins on Lithographs. Now you can craft Blue Weapons for the traits and sell those in the Auction House to make Lucent.

  • Get Alt to Lvl 50
  • Join a Guild
  • Donate Materials To guild for guild coin
  • Do Contracts on Alts for Crafting Materials
  • Spend Guild Coin on Lithographs
  • Craft Blue Weapons for Traits and sell on Auction House

Open World Dungeon Farming

Farm Open World Dungeons for Soul Stones of the Dead. Then you can do Contracts for crafting materials. Once again, it is time to craft items. Craft Immortal Blue Weapons for the traits and sell them at the Auction House.

  • Farm Open World Dungeon for Soul Stone of The Dead x10
  • Do Contracts for Crafting Materials
  • Craft Immortal Blue Weapons for Traits and sell on Auction House

Guild Boss Farming

Create a Guild with friends. Now, you can sell the boss items at the auction house for Lucent and split the rewards between you and your friends. If you want to maximize this method you need to create a different guild for each of your Alt characters too to gain the rewards again.

  • Can do this on your main as well
  • Create a guild with friends (5-20 players depending on gear)
  • Do Guild Bosses each week
  • Sell Boss Items for Lucent
  • Split profit within guild members
  • Repeat with a different guild per character (1 main + 2 Alts = 3 Total Guilds)

It is important to note that I recommend selecting one or two of these methods only. In the end, the farming method needs to fit into your flow of playing Throne and Liberty. Throne and Liberty Lucent is a hard resource to obtain, it will take time and consistency to get enough to do anything unless you decide to spend real money in the game.

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