Pretty much at the start of Baldur’s Gate 3, you can recruit a Brain creature into your group. This guide will show you how to recruit the Brain monster. You might even wonder what you can do with the Brain creature.

When you enter the second room at the start of the game. You will suddenly hear a voice calling you with things like:

  • Release us!
  • We are here – here!
  • We are trapped!
  • Help us!
  • Release us!

When you open the chat window you can see that “Myrnath” says these things. Go into the middle of the room and use the elevator “Neural Apperaturs” to get upstairs and find Myrnath.

Activate the Elevator to get to Myrnath iN BG3

Now you will notice that Myrnath isn’t actually feeling very well. He is still alive, you can see that by his 8/8 health. However, he is “Under Operation” and you can see that his brain is out in the open.

Myrnath and the Brain Creature in Baldurs Gate 3

You keep hearing voices: “Yes! You’ve come to save us from this place, from this place you’ll free us!”. “Please, before they return. They return.” The brain will also tell you that it is a “Newborn” from this hust. Basically a newborn tadpole.

How to free and recruit the Brain Creature in Baldur’s Gate 3

Let us take a look at the process of how to get the Brain creature to follow you in Baldur’s Gate 3. Depending on your character you might have several options.

  1. Option 2, “I think you’re past the point of saving. Tell me what to do.”
  2. Use Dexterity or Strength to remove the brain or investigate it first and then use Medicine to remove the brain.
  3. Don’t cripple the Brain creature. otherwise, you weaken it and if you fail the check, you have to fight it.

After that, the Brain creature will grow legs and walk around with you. After a few seconds (newborn) the health will go from 11 to 21.

Brain Creature Stats Baldurs Gate 3

What can you do with the Brain in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Should you remove, destroy or mutilate the brain in Baldur’s Gate 3. Like always there are several outcomes with the Brain creature.

Removing the Brain

There are three ways to extract the brain from Myranths head. You can directly do it with a Strength or Dexterity check. Or you can investigate it first and then get one additional option to free it via a Medicine check with advantage.

No matter how you extract it, “Us” will temporarily become an ally and companion throughout the Nautiloid ship section in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Destroy the Brain

When you decide to destroy the Brain creature, nothing more will happen as you destroyed it before it could transform.

Mutilate the Brain

Another option is to Mutilate the Brain creature. You will need to pass a Dexterity DC 15 check to have success. If you fail, it will attack you. If you succeed it will be weakened. However, right now we couldn’t identify a difference between not mutilating the brain or actually mutilating it.

Therefore it is best to free the Brain creature “Us the Intellectual Devourer” and use him as a companion in the tutorial section.

How to get the Brain Pet US in Baldurs Gate 3

Does “Us the Intellect Devourer” come back in Baldur’s Gate 3?

No, you won’t be seeing “Us” anymore after you finish the tutorial section of Baldur’s Gate 3. However, during your travels, you will encounter other Intellect Devourers on your journey. They are all hostile though.

You can view a quick walkthrough on how to recruit him in this video:


You can also recruit Shadowheart in the tutorial area on the Nautiloid ship already.